Yes, The "Blue Wave" hit Maine yesterday,
Poised to erode much of the economic & moral berm Republicans recently built up,
like the "yankee clipper" hurricane did to damage Maine in 1938.
It isn't that I don't appreciate having the first Woman Governor
of Maine, the fact that I originally supported Mary Mayhew in preference
to Shawn Moody in the Gubernatorial primary might help to prove that point...
After Ted Cruz signed that ridiculous pledge to support and not run against another Republican in the primary for President, I had
actually hoped for the chance & would have absolutely supported a run by Carly Fiorina for President and Ted Cruz for Vice President...
Thinking that would have not violated that agreement... but ... never mind...
But Yes... I would have been proud to see Mary Mayhew Governor... or Carly Fiorina President...
So it isn't that I don't appreciate the idea of having a Woman as our Governor of Maine,
Nor my cherishing the idea of a young woman being able to accomplish
and do anything that she believes she wants to do...whether in politics,
or business or in the participation of the creation of Life itself...
I only have the utmost hope and dreams for My Daughter... for her
personal Happiness & Success...within all her Life's endeavors...
I would think there would be something terribly wrong with me if I didn't feel that way...
But there are numerous things that really disturb me about Yesterday's election results, they're multi faceted & within
witnessing the insane dichotomy of the Progressive Democrat's left wing activism...
Their recent propaganda claiming to support preserving life while fighting against law abiding gun ownership &
the human right of being able to defend one's self and their family, from criminals, murder or rape,
while they actively continue to promote & garner support for that hideous, barbarous practice,
what they have coined and misrepresented as a "woman's right" to decimate & destroy a living human being,
just because it bears that tragic, ironic misfortune to be living in their womb.
The legality of that provided within a moral less, unconstitutional rogue court's decision
with Roe v. Wade, which was a lie and a fraud perpetuated on humanity.
Norma Leah McCorvey, the Roe in Roe V. Wade, although she was used to achieve the decision,
after she understood that, she vowed to, and carried on a tremendous fight against abortion,
for the rest of her Life. As did Dr. Nathanson, Founder of NARAL. They both stood up &
spent the last years of their lives fighting against the lies perpetrated by the abortion industry.
The political activism of "planned parenthood's" economic support for Janet Mills was overwhelming...
even to Democrats in the Democratic primary...
Adam Cote, one of the democratic gubernatorial candidates was enraged by the amount of money
"planned parenthood" invested in their candidate, Janet Mills... Adam Cote thought it was unfair and
an outrage.
For the "progressive" democrats that wear equality up and down on their sleeve...they
have established an exacting pattern that equality is only equality when it's convenient for their instant purposes.
For "progressive" democrats, Women should be treated explicitly equally, except of course when the opportunity for
"progressive" Women exists to gain power, then Sexism rules the roost, equality goes out the window and it becomes OK. to
discriminate against a Man in preference to a Woman, within Woman's propaganda, garnering support from organizations that only
support woman, like Emily's list, "We ignite change by getting pro-choice Democratic Women elected to office"
Woman of course, are naturally, apparently by "progressive" democrat standards, not to consider the candidates qualifications,
and are only supposed to support and vote for Woman...unless there's a "progressive" democrat Man or "non binary" running, who
by their standards seems to imply to them somehow that they'll be a good second choice to support "Women", so then women can vote for them..I guess...
Pure Sexism fuels the "progressive" democrats chanting, while they claim they are standing up and fighting for equality.
It's this continuing utter hypocrisy... claiming to fight for equality while really fighting for division within their attempt
to achieve power within creating more division & hatred within their progressive agenda...
and it doesn't stop there...the same
logic runs over in regard to people's color...
Black & White is only equal to them when it serve's progressives purposes..."White" people, or caucasian people are expected to treat
"black" people or "people of color" within equality, not judging them by their color or race, removing any terminology that
might be offensive to them, removing any potential barriers to equality based purely on the color of a persons skin...
ideology that would certainly seem to be within utmost or highest aspirations...
But it doesn't seem to work the other way around for "progressive" democrats, as proven time and time again, whether it's the racist
NAACP, or Michele Obama celebrating organizations like "Black Girls Rock"... or Black Entertainment Television...
Again, equality is only equality when it's convenient for their instant purposes
So if I had the unconscionable sheer audacity to be racially disrespectful, for some reason I couldn't even freaking fathom
for any reasoning, and developed "White Entertainment Television", does Michele Obama think that would be acceptable or right?... or how
bout' "White Girls Rock!!!" ... All girls rock... you racist a$$holes... just as all boys rock... you sexist a$$holes...
kids rock...All Kids Rock.... They're Kids!
I'm not talking about Boy scouts or Girl scouts... which for the purposes of avoiding juvenile's sexual experimentation and avoiding pregnancies
from overnight outings might be construed as a noble, reasonably prudent separation...or distinction...
But "Black Girls Rock?"...those no good racist sexist bastards, they can't stop trying to cause racial or human divide...
This is sickening... the progressives logic is twisted... it's not designed for achieving unity, it's designed for advancing
political divide to achieve power and for achieving political support of their agenda...and I'm really sick of it.
I support Man or Woman, "Black" or "White" or any other color, I support a candidate based on their principles... on the best
attempt I can to try to find someone who has decent, basic morality & character, who exhibits honesty, who will treat all
people fairly within the law and the golden rule, who will stand and fight to uphold our Nation's founding values and our
Constitution... believing all people are created equally...and believing in the essential elements of our Freedom and
Liberty...the incredible nature of our Nation...and in doing everything we can to protect that.
That's who I try to vote for.
But in Maine this year...The "Racist" tool was used within two prong agenda by "progressive" Democrats... In a few races, no
pun intended, a legislator that sponsored legislation to prohibit Female Genital Mutilation was beaten, within attacks that
she was sponsored by "white supremacist groups"...and slandering propaganda that any attempts of FGM legislation are racist.
How wide these attacks of racism spread thought the elections is yet unclear...but they were definitely used in attempts to
destroy other candidates. In fact, FGM is fought against by AHA Foundation Founder, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, from Somalia, and she is
known as a women’s rights activist, champion of free speech, and best-selling author. She is also known as someone who speaks
truth to power.
Ayaan’s journey began in Somalia in 1969 where, as a young girl, she was subjected to female genital mutilation (FGM). From
very early on, she questioned the subjugation of women she saw all around her; while listening to a sermon on the many ways
women should be obedient to their husbands, she couldn't resist asking, "Must our husbands obey us too?"
The people in Maine who listened to the "progressive" democrat's propaganda and cries of racism, did an injustice to young
woman's rights, in failing to elect candidates who would actually stand up for young woman, instead of the spineless
propaganda of many of the Maine House Progressive Democrats...who failed to stand up and take a stand against this hideous
practice, because they were afraid they might insult somebody. I can't express the disdain I have for people who won't stand
up for innocent young women. Sadly, somehow political smear campaigns worked for "progressive" democrats... and Maine lost
some really good people representing their interests, including a fine District Attorney who stood up for young woman and
supported anti FGM legislation so he could prosecute people performing this sadistic, barbarous practice.
That's what Maine's "progressive" Blue Wave being celebrated earned them... Think about that.
The racist card was also played regarding immigration... or attempts to stop welfare from going to illegal aliens...or
I resent refugees being placed in America. Not because I don't like people from other countries... Actually I do... Some of
the best friends I've had in my life and had the incredible opportunity to work along side were from other countries, some
were once "illegal aliens", these people from other countries that risked everything they had to escape and come to America...
within the hope of Emma Lazarus's poem inscribed within our Statue of Liberty. But they made that decision in and of their own
right... believing in America for what it represented to them... and they came here, by whatever means necessary, they got
assistance from friends, from Churches or Synagogues, they didn't come here for a handout... they came for their chance to
live in America.
Airlifting people to America as refugees... people you don't know whether they were fighting to kill you three weeks before,
who have no interest in preserving America or living within America's cultural norms...isn't right to me. I believe it dilutes
what generations of Americans have endured to make us a melting make us stronger for who we are and what we're made
of...our mettle...
Airlifting and dropping refugees, scattering them across the nation within a social program for change isn't' supporting
America, nor the legacy of our Immigrant's history of achieving success through all struggles...
I don't believe that America, as what we represent, should just leave people who are war torn or struggling through political
upheaval, alone and without help. I believe in supporting them within the boundaries of their nation or establishing some
place that makes sense, for them to survive. I don't believe airlifting them to America is an honest nor fair answer.
Nor do I believe that the American taxpayer should be forced to fund welfare to immigrants or to refugees that have been
placed here by our Government.
Yes, I believe that America, in helping assure our place within the world, on the world stage and what we represent to Freedom
and Humanity, has a responsibility to help the world we live in to maintain peace, and to help innocent human beings that are
displaced, ravaged, at risk to be raped or murdered within the tyranny of evil, as we did for Humanity within our gallant
efforts during World War II...we can help the world by helping others... in their homelands, but that shouldn't mean giving
them the keys to the city...taking away any just qualifications for entrance to America...or giving preference from one
nationality over another...just because someone feels bad for them...or it makes good publicity...
What it should mean is that America does right for Humanity... in every corner of the world where it can... helping people by
helping prevent tyrannical leaders from overthrowing the free will of innocent human beings... helping these nations from
being devastated from atrocity...helping humanity...and yes...while protecting the core mechanisms of our Nation that enabled
us to achieve the capacity to help save the world...not throwing these mechanisms out to the whims of bogus, damaging
"progressive" ideology and fraud.
So Yes... we were hit with a Blue Wave...or a really bad least Maine was...
Maybe it was from the Obama administration and it's dumping of all the toxic chemicals in the Atlantic Ocean trying to clean up
the B.P. oil spill...or the expanse of fracking on our very nation...under the Obama administration.
Or from Obama's political use and the advancement of Planned Parenthood's Abortion Money... and groups like Emily's list or
the LGBTQ agenda machine...
Maybe this was the "progressive" democrats retribution for the Brett Kavanaugh appointment...or from their concerns of the
possibility of having Roe v. Wade overturned...
their coercion, hatred and attempts to destroy even their former "across the aisle supportive voters" like Maine's Senator
Susan Collins, who were targets for their vile hatred, within threats of harm & personal intimidation & despicable attacks.
Their propaganda and absence of any morality shining clear on their win at any and all cost methodology...
Maybe it was today's left wing press...or the entertainment industry...or Hollywood's money or the progressive influences in
college & education...
In America, Republicans picked up a few Senate seats, and Maintained control of the Senate... But we lost the House...
by a good number of seats...
Yes...Conservative Morality has a much better position on the Supreme Court than we did just a couple of years ago...
We'll see where that brings us... and hopefully that will assure and protect our rights to uphold our freedom of our morality
and our rights to keep and bear arms well in to the future...
But in the meantime, Morality in Maine took a real "scholonking"...and that isn't very good for Maine.
Maine voters just elected what could be described as the Hillary Clinton of Maine, for Governor.
The biggest "planned parenthood" abortion & LGBTQ spokeswoman you could possibly imagine.
Maine voters just re-elected two incumbents that had promoted and supported Obama's Iran Deal, of
sending Billions and Billions and Billions of Dollars to Iran...people who have vowed to Destroy USA and Israel, our Allies in the
Middle East while they go around telling people they actively support BIW.
Sending billions and billions of dollars to a nation who vowed to destroy Israel isn't supporting bigotry?
Or in other words... they don't mind trying to buy votes by promising jobs & money for BIW, but they are NOT supporting our
Nation's National Security, nor our allies, and this is sinful.
In more local races, Maine voters ousted a Woman, a Legislator, who had worked diligently trying to protect young woman from
FGM, a tragic form of sexist, sexual abuse & torture...for that work, the woman was labled "racist", and a Man, the
"independent" "clean elections" "medicaid expansion" candidate won... The "progressives" who fought against the incumbent
really stood up for Women & Woman's rights this election, didn't they!...
At the beginning and at the end of every day, people have to live with themselves & the choices they make...
Those choices when voting, not only affect themselves, they affect others...
For whatever reasons... a lot of people in Maine chose to "stand up" for "planned parenthood" and the barbarism of abortion...
500,000 surgical abortions a year in the U.S. alone, not birth control, not emergency birth control pills, surgical abortions.
People who voted for Janet Mills for our Governor, now own a piece of that...and all of planned parenthood's contributions to
her campaign...they now have to live with themselves...I don't have any regrets who I voted for. I can sleep at night.
For whatever reasons... a lot of people in Maine chose to return to "Baldacci" style leadership, the "leadership" that
expanded socialized medicine & got us in to overwhelming bad debt. They voted for Janet Mills.
I didn't.
For whatever reasons... a lot of people in Maine chose to vote for two incumbents that had tried to sell out America's
Sovereignty to the U.N. Small Arms Treaty and had actually sold our our National Security, and that of our good allies, to
Obama's Iran Deal.
The same two incumbents that had helped screw over Maine taxpayers with their wind power schemes...
Maine's voters had a real choice... Two individuals who had committed themselves to upholding Freedom & Liberty, our
Constitution... upholding our rights...
One a particularly energizing, optimistic up and coming State Senator who had proven himself to upheld rights for all of us... The other a
staunch supporter of police & working people, an honest concerned mental health professional...both would have served Maine
people exceptionally well...
They were both swept away by that Blue Wave and it's undertow...
It's as simple as that.
Maine People... You'll get what you voted for...
Have you lost your conscience?
Is this really want you want for the future of Maine and what you want for your children?
With the way I voted, no matter the outcome, I can honestly sleep at night...
Can You?