2016 Presidential Election
Here we are in April 2016...
The Most Critical elections facing our Nation...
Two Democratic Candidates....Both "progressive" Marxist Socalists...Liars and Thieves...One is defiantly a Traitor to America...between Benghazi and trying to sell out our National Sovereignty to the U.N. & Supporting the Iran Deal, etc...The other is defiantly a Traitor to America...not as blatantly as Hillary, but as blatantly in regard to his willingness to throw away our Nation's founding values...and open his arms to Marxist Socialism... some try to soften the term by calling it Democratic Socialism...but it's still the same...no matter what the moniker... It's the same ole, same ole...Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin and Adolph Hitler brand of poison the youth with giveaways...gather the "have nots" support by causing dire hatred and blame toward the "haves"...that's a Marxist Socialist or a Saul Alinsky "rules for radicals" follower...
Instead of trying to inspire humans to dream and reach for the stars within Godly inspiration...on their own two feet and inspiring optimism through learning and creativity...inspiring personal industry and business enterprise... They reach out with the lowest common denominator...jealousy, greed and hatred...inspiring anger toward what others have...calling it unfair and unjust...and then attempt to do what they can to seize that...through any means to their avail...and in America that's unjust TAXATION...higher regulations and business expenses...They then "redistribute" your Hard Earned Money they took in taxes and give it away as "Free" to someone else...buying votes....Touting for "Free" College...."Free" Healthcare..."Free" Women's Health Care (that's Hillary code for Abortion) - Within their efforts....they then move to increase Minimum Wages - hurting Jobs and Small Employers...and the People who are working Really, Really Hard for their wages, increased Minimum wages means Less Raises for their hard work and effort...People on fixed income get burnt by the inflation...nobody really wins just the political lice that garner enough fraudulent votes to get in office for a term...and then the Increases Cause businesses to close...creating Less Jobs...losing Jobs...More Welfare...More Fraud....Bleeding America like leeches...destroying our Children's futures, and remember...no matter what they try to say to obfuscate the truth...their "Free" has to be paid for...by someone...and that in reality, is YOU or YOUR CHILDREN and everybody who honestly works for a living...Paying the way....Socialism's Inherent Curse...Reward the Lazy and Punish Hard Work and Effort...stifle creativity...reward mediocrity...ask anyone from the USSR or Cuba...Venezuela...Socialism Destroys People, Ambition, Souls and Nations....and it proves itself to do that virtually every where it's been introduced - Sometimes it takes a little longer to see the tragic results than others...USSR, Nazi Germany, Cuba...the results are very clear to see.
Obama has now achieved his incredible personal legacy...The highest National Debt our Nation has EVER had. Over 19 Trillion Dollars. Obama didn't achieve that alone...he had plenty of help from his Democrat Cronies....and from RINO's too...tragically..."Representatives" who threw their responsibility to the wind....for political expediency...putting a ball and chain around the necks of our Nation's youth...and our Nation's future. 19 Trillion is over 5 times all the revenue the United States Government takes in to operate...
Picture if you had to pay off over 5 years worth of your income...on a Credit card...the interest alone would be devastating....but not only do you have to pay off that debt.... You still have to keep feeding your family and paying for normal expenses...what would you do?....How Could you survive economically?
Well...that's the same situation America is in...and that our "Representatives' put us there. The Democrats and the RINO's...
So how do we fix this bloody mess? Well, a real good start is to elect a real Constitutional Conservative...Ted Cruz for our President.
As of this writing, there are three Republican Candidates....One of them, Kasich, can't and shouldn't logically win, then there's Ted Cruz and Donald Trump.
Personally, at the beginning of the search for a Republican Presidential Candidate....I was pretty open minded...although I didn't then and haven't taken Donald Trump seriously as a candidate...maybe as a threat to the Republican Party - The Party of the Morality of Freedom...I knew of Donald Trump from Manhattan and with his Atlantic City record, his Con jobs & his multiple bankruptcy debacle, and I also knew and clearly remembered he cheated on his first wife, Ivana...When Trump built the "Taj Majal" in Atlantic City...there was a joke that the Real Taj Majal was built by a man who really loved his wife...Well...apparently the "Taj Majal" went bankrupt...so I'll leave that observation at that, for now. I was also very aware of his association with liberal democrat & "progressive" friends and his "progressive" stance on numerous social issues, previously displayed frequently in the media. (from News reports, inteviews, to the Howard Stern show)
So the other more plausible list of candidates were Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Mike Huckabee, Chris Christie, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, George Pataki, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Gilmore.....Wow... a lot of candidates...
Some of the known earlier favorites seemed to fall by the wayside....oddly & very fast....Santorum, Jindal, Perry, Walker....Presidentially- Huckabee really hadn't succeeded previously, Lindsey Graham, similarly, Pataki didn't have any steam.... So pretty soon it was coming down to Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, Paul, Carson, Bush, Kasich, Christie & Trump at the debates... Personally, I already had great respect for Ted Cruz for standing up against the RINOS and for our Constitution and 2nd amendment rights...I had questioned Rubio, he's a good public speaker and has many good points...maybe not enough learned experience, I like Carly Fiorina, she is powerful with her international perspective....I like Rand Paul with numerous stances on the Constitution and foundational thinking, but felt he was a little too libertarian regarding or considering certain social issues, rather than Conservative, although I still respect him, and I never really thought Jeb Bush...He's a little to moderate for me, and too many Bushes already, but I continue to respect George W. Bush's actions and that of our Gallant Brave Soldiers & their efforts regarding Iraq, in removing a dangerous murderer Saddam Hussein who had committed numerous atrocities toward humanity... and I don't want to knock him in any manner. I questioned Chris Christie as a possible attorney general...not in capacity as a President....John Kasich is far too liberal or "progressive" to repair America and his lack of fair play is becoming more and more obvious, and I liked Ben Carson in the beginning...but I have totally lost trust in him...his association with Trump is despicable.
So for me it had read Cruz, Rubio, Fiorina, and maybe Carson for a while...
But pretty soon, it had coalesced to Ted Cruz vs Donald Trump with Kasich representing nothing more than a spoiler.
If the Republican Convention keeps the rules from the last convention, it will only be between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. Period.
Ted Cruz has a great website, detailing his positions on the issues... https://www.tedcruz.org/issues/ ...He's a Constitutional Conservative...He wholly Supports our Constitution, He has always seemed to hold himself to the highest level of Morality and maintained belief in God...He believes in the aspirations of what our Country was founded upon, and has spoken and fought for them...for our Constitution and our rights...He wants to protect our National Sovereignty....and American Exceptionalism...and I think he has proven himself to be of Character necessary to appoint the next Supreme Court Justices if and as required...
Ted Cruz has garnered support from Congressman Steve King, Thomas Sowell and numerous staunch Constitutional Conservatives. No...he doesn't have the free press pass Donald Trump has received...nor the billions worth of free air time Trump received...or does he have any friends in the National Enquirer like Donald Trump, and Ted Cruz has fought against the RINO's so he isn't in the buddy buddy club with Obama and his cronies...like John Boehner or Paul Ryan - those guys who play golf with Obama on the golf course or on the nation's budget...Ted Cruz has higher standards and holds strong to his Values and Morality...Ted Cruz isn't a RINO...He's a Leader...and that's just What America Needs.
We were very pleased and excited to attend the Ted Cruz rally in Orono, Maine. The rally was excellent...What a Great Crowd of people....there were a few hecklers, but Ted Cruz handled them professionally and exceedingly well...he actually answered their questions...he made the comment if there weren't hecklers at a college...he'd think there was something wrong with the college...Ted Cruz had a great presence...sincere...to the point...He represents Constitutional Conservative Values exceptionally well... He stands on what he believes...and He seems not afraid to say what he believes...and yet still corresponds his beliefs to the Individual Freedoms protected within our Constitution...and within our Nations laws....Isn't that what our Government and our President is supposed to do?...I certainly think so!.
Before the Iowa Caucus...a group of Maine Conservative Representatives held a press conference to endorse Ted Cruz for President...I thought it was a Great Day for Maine...and I think they did the right thing for Maine and for America! I Thank them!.
If you have a moment...take a moment to listen to Ted Cruz's father speak...it will help assure you that Ted Cruz's stances on our way of life and our Constitution runs through his blood...his family...and why his actions hold true to his words...not that his words are said for a quick sound bite or to mislead voters...
My Family and I are unequivocally supporting Ted Cruz for President...We'd be proud to have him as our Representative in the White House....as the President of our Government....and the Leader of our Nation....This shining beacon on the hill...This Last Best hope of Humanity...Our Blessed Nation...Our America...
There is talk about what might happen at the Convention...I would urge all delegates to support the SAME rules as the last Republican Convention, to make sure only those candidates who have won the majority of 8 states minimum can be nominated, and for that rule to be maintained intact to avoid a "spoiler". I personally resent any of this nonsense talk insinuating Paul Ryan or any other "white knight" RINO's to try to take over and try to steal the Republican Nomination...This is poisonous disgraceful talk...and it speaks to ripping out the very morality of the Republican Party, Besides the fact that Republicans need a REAL CONSERVATIVE VOICE that will stand on what it says....to Save the Republican Party from demise...and America Desperately needs that kind of Conservative Leadership in the first place...and the fact that so MANY of the Republican Constituents are already supporting this GREAT, scratch that, PERFECT, nominee, Ted Cruz...and that he has incredibly been able to garner as many votes as he has, considering the spoilers like Kasich and all the biased and Free Press & Media Publicity Trump has received...Speaks fervently for the honest Support that Ted Cruz has received....
Secondly...Donald Trump can not win the Nomination...He doesn't have the support of the majority of Women, Nor the support of the majority of Men...and he can not win if put up against Hillary Clinton. He has supported Hillary Clinton for the majority of His Life...he Had Bill and Hillary Clinton at his Wedding to Melania..He had made many, many comments on how great Hillary was, in the newspapers and radio and tv media, commenting on her as Secretary of State....a Friend...a "strong woman"...etc...
How can Donald Trump actually claim to be able to run against this Grave Danger to our Nation?...It's utter hypocrisy for him.
He Can't Succeed, and Hillary Clinton winning the Presidency only beckons unbelievable harm to our Nation and our Nation's future....to our Supreme Court...to our Nation's Morality...to our Nation's Jobs...to our Nation's Strength...to our Nation's Families....We can NOT let Hillary Clinton Win and Destroy our Nation...
By the way - in response to Trump's (and other's) continuous meaningless rants challenging Ted Cruz's eligibility - Stop Your Nonsense & Lies! - Cruz is Eligible! - Put it to Rest!
We...as Conservative Republicans...must do everything in our power to elect Ted Cruz...as our Nominee...as our Nation's President... and then...we must forge forward in every way we can to help return our Nation to our Founding Values and Morality and in Support of our Constitution and our Individual and States rights...and build up and shore up our Nation's economy and strength...advance employment and personal security...and get our Government to act within how it's supposed to be...Promoting for our General Welfare for us and Our Families and our Children...
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America "
Please Help US Save America... Join Together...Unite...Fight for America and our Futures...and Elect Ted Cruz for President!...
Ted Cruz w/Salute to Breitbart "no matter what the threat no matter what the peril stand up speak the truth speak truth to power and call evil by it's name...."
Ted Cruz on Big Government:
Ted Cruz at Heritage - Secure America's Freedom
Ted Cruz at Gun Range...