Some people scream bigot every chance they can...some people claim I'm a Bigot...are you a Bigot? I a Bigot?
The Merriam Webster dictionary defines a bigot as:
"a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance"
Are you intolerant?...are you non-inclusive?...are you prejudiced?...are you this?...are you that?
Are you a Bigot if you despise Liars? bout' if you you abhor Rapists....or you feel a healthy hatred toward Child Molesters or pedophiles?...does that make You a Bigot?
how bout' bout Embezzlers that steal from Elderly?...what about Politicians that Mislead People and hurt their futures?... what if they all make you downright Sick to your Stomach? Does that make you a Bigot?....
Right from Wrong is really a pretty simple concept, but there's always somebody trying to blur the lines....isn't there?
What is Right...and what is Wrong? I know what Right and Wrong are to me...What are they to You?
To me...if something helps support Life itself...if something helps support advancing civilization within our Society...if something helps promote the general health and welfare of the future of our Civilization and Society...and doesn't harm is would generally be good...and to support it, at least fundamentally, is Right. Is that wrong to feel that way?
I was born an American...and I live as an American Citizen...and If something supports the fundamental elements of the principles within our Nation's founding...those incredible aspirations and beliefs of our Nation's founders...those beliefs attested to within our Nation's founding document, the Declaration of Independence...and the further protecting of those rights and establishment for the operations and continuation of our Government within our Nation's Constitution....for our Posterity...
That is Right...that is Healthy for America...and for our Civilization...
When someone or organization tries it's best to organize and promote sexual behavior and lifestyles that have been absolutely proven to be a majority cause of the progress of a tragic illness as pandemic as HIV and AIDS....the corresponding data of illness and deaths readily available...(Over 80 Million contracting HIV / AIDS and over 40 million HIV / AIDS related deaths worldwide since the pandemic began - See current AMFAR & US CDC statistics)....while that corresponding behavior and lifestyles inherently providing for and promoting individual's hereditary extinction...This is me it is sheer madness to accept or acquiesce to is lunacy on the rise... but to calling the promotion of that sexuality and those "lifestyles" wrong - they try to label me a "Bigot"
Today and for a number of years...the LGBTQ "progressive" agenda army has been trying to delineate anybody who does not believe in Same Sex Sexuality or Same Sex Sexuality, as a Bigot.
The Left Wing "Progressive" activists curse religious "dogma"....and they do everything they can to push their cause within educational, political, governmental and religious enterprises... they say accept this and accept that... and label and target anyone who won't acquiesce to their demands....
They want Same Sex Marriage to be Federal Government approved and promoted...even though that's against our Nation's Constitution...that's it's within States Rights to determine or protect Marriage as they see fit...
They want grown Men who "identify" as a woman to be able to use traditionally biologically separated Woman's restroom facilities...potentially risking the health of very young woman in what should be a sensitive and personal environment within their daily activity and lives... (and for those who say it doesn't risk health... look at the statistics for HIV / AIDS in transgender populations. The statistics are staggering)
They want people who own a business who don't want to hire a Man who "identifies" as a woman to not be able to apply for nor receive any Federal Government Contracts... Think about the people who might be assembling tactical weaponry... do you really believe that companies, in order to receive federal contracts, should be forced to hire people who don't accept their own sexuality that was given to them at birth? Isn't that the utter hypocrisy? forcing people to accept something they don't believe in?...otherwise, even if they're the very best military equipment manufacturer, they can't have a government contract?... Really?
What happened to preserving individuals freedom?
They want the U.S. Armed Forces to be LGBTQ and Transgender inclusive and friendly... to celebrate LGBTQ lifestyles....
LGBTQ is an acronym for labels for forms of SEXUALITY...or a Sexual Deviance....Who What Why When and How of what people profess they are attracted to, what kind of Sex they engage in and What they Identify as, etc. Period.
People serving in the U.S. Armed forces...while serving their nation... should not be discussing their Sexuality...Promoting their Sexuality...Indoctrinating individuals to their Sexuality or Engaging in Sex while they're on duty. Nobody serving our Nation should be intimidated by people "Expressing" their Sexuality...Imposing their Sexuality...Exploiting their Sexuality...or Pushing their Sexuality on anyone else...That isn't fair to anyone serving in our Nation's Military.
Men to Woman, Woman to Men, Men to Men or Women to Women. Period.
They want LGBTQ Leadership to be mandated within anti-discrimination laws regarding young Men's and Women's organizations, like the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, and within Public Education, Colleges and their Counselors and Teachers, demanding LGBTQ who are interested in openly expressing their Sexuality, Sexual Orientation to their Students and Colleagues and Peers maintain complete access to individuals and students.
They're trying to corrupt and gnaw and break down our basic societal constructs....while ignoring the fundamental elements of Life itself.
While ignoring the pain and cost that the diseases proliferated by Men who have Sex with Men have proliferated...the pain caused to people
being molested....the pain caused to people from others trying to indoctrinate them...
Yes...Some will claim I'm a Bigot.... So be it...
I grew up in New York...and I remember Manhattan in the late 70's and 80's...I remember the nightclubs or the discos...
Manhattan was fun...there were plenty of straight bars...and being straight you just stayed away from the gay bars...they were very obvious....I remember when the "gay men's health crisis" began...the known and obvious rampant sexuality of gay men in the city was the street....the reports from U.S. News and World Reports...the reports in the NY Times...driving through Manhattan...I witnessed the crowds gathered around the gay the "ramrod"...I was aware of the NYC Police Department's efforts trying to control the rampant spread of HIV / was in all the papers...the police posted notices telling patrons they couldn't have public sex...they closed down the bathhouses and the Gay bars....Google the ramrod or the mineshaft...Google gay bars in the 80's...Google the bathhouses...
it makes your stomach churn....
The LGBTQ activists will say that's irrelevant... that doesn't represent today.... Sure...Just Google "NYC Pride Parade" images....of the last couple of years...
A lot of innocent people died when HIV / AIDS got in the blood banks....a lot of innocent people were dying....The newspapers were riddled with people dying from AIDS....
A number of years the 90's...while have dinner at a local diner...there was a bus boy...and a young waitress...and the bus boy kept rambling about his gay sexual exploits to the waitress...she was becoming very upset....the discourse was very disconcerting... when I had the moment I asked her if she was o.k., I was prepared to testify against him....but she preferred I didn't....
I've seen that type of interaction...I've witnessed the cramming down of a deplorable lifestyle being spewed at an innocent...
I've witnessed the continuing lewd interactions in what could be deemed a family oriented Holiday show at Radio City Music Hall...
and I've seen the giant parades and graphic displays of LGBTQ sexuality & commotion surrounding LGBTQ oriented parades and activities....
In front of all the innocent children to can't tell me it's not affecting them negatively...
And I'll say it again...I remember as clearly as I possibly could....
A lot of innocent people died when HIV / AIDS got in the blood banks....a lot of people were dying....The newspapers were riddled with people dying from AIDS....
Today...the LGBTQ "progressive" activists celebrate "Pride"... every possible opportunity they get...they promote LGBTQ lifestyles....They tout Gay is O.K., Activists in Hollywood, Music Industry, Performing Arts, News Outlets...etc...etc...Politicians everywhere...President Obama pushed for LGBTQ in the Boy Scouts...while HIV / AIDS is increasing in 14 to 22 year old young men dramatically....highest % within boys or men who have sex with other boys or men....
Under Obama's changes to U.S. entry requirements, if you have AIDS you can not only enter can possibly apply for political asylum...
it's an opening of the "floodgates"...Can anybody actually believe that more AIDS won't be spread?
What are the implications to our healthcare system?...the cost burdens?...everything?... and regarding other advancing illnesses like Spinal Meningitis?
In many places, as they did in Gorham Maine, they teach "safe" same sex education in public schools....and organizations promoting and enforcing LGBTQ lifestyles are encouraged within many public schools, like in Topsham, Maine.
I try to live my life much in a golden rule thought process...trying to treat others as I wish to be treated....and I act in response to what I have seen with my own eyes...or personally experienced, typically skeptical of what I hear 2nd hand, or what I read in the news....
No..I'm not overtly religious...but as with the Founders of our Great Nation...I'm know life is far more than just us...and I believe our Nation was founded within our Founder's believing within and having the outstanding support of Divine Providence....
I hate to see the racial divide and tensions increasing in America...the purposeful divisiveness & hate mongering perpetrated for cheap political activist or financial gain...It's tragic...
In my own personal experience, some of the best friends and trusted associates I've ever had in my life are of "African", "Jamaican", "Black" or "Spanish" descent...
I look at a human's character...not at their physical appearance...and I've been blessed to know a number of fine human beings...of all sorts of races and backgrounds...and hopefully I'll be blessed with more of those opportunities in the future.
I certainly believe in our Founding Document and our Constitution....and I believe in Freedom and Liberty as being our Right and as being Precious to hold...
I don't want to tell other people how they should live...generally....I believe as long as they are not hurting anybody or affecting anybody detrimentally....they have the right to do what they want...that's their business...that's not mine...
If people treat me with regard...I will treat them accordingly...I don't go around asking people if they're straight or gay...or trying to pry in to their sex life...
If people act like a normal human being to me...I'll reciprocate....
If two people believe they want to live together...that's their right...if they can find a religion to "marry" them...that's their right...(within legal age requirements),
But when people or LGBTQ activists purposely try to force an agenda that doesn't correlate to the basic elements of Life itself, that doesn't correlate to supporting Life itself, that doesn't correlate with the birds and the bees, that doesn't correlate with the word Posterity...that Posterity word that was utilized within our Constitution...that word that means the Future of our Society for us and for the future generations to come...that shows to acknowledge, accept and approve lifestyles that have caused such pain and anguish within ours and others societies....and to legally mandate, force and enforce the acceptance of such lifestyles upon people who don't believe in those lifestyles or who don't accept the morality of such lifestyles...who believe such lifestyles are counter to our civilization or society...or to God or Divine Providence....
I'm me...that is's unacceptable....and I will not accept it....and I will fight against it....and if that makes me a be it....
Thomas Jefferson Memorial: Inscription under the Dome:
"...I have sworn upon the altar of god eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man." - Jefferson to Dr. Benjamin Rush, September 23, 18001