Fair Taxation
Fair Taxation and Government Revenue
All taxes should be of a flat type income tax, on overall gross income or gross revenue, not on profits.
Businesses and Individuals should have a minimum income poverty level, and neither a company nor individuals should be required to pay income taxes below that level.
If a company or person makes, sells or generates $200,000.000.00 of revenue coming in through their front doors, it pays a flat % of that. If a person makes $200,000.00 in income they pay a flat % of that.
The Taxation's fair purposes of course being within the consent of those the Government is for, being the People or Citizens, to provide the services required by those people to maintain a positive, productive and safe society
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice,
insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare,
and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence[note 1] and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States;"
And yes, Congress should never forget the statement in Our U.S. Declaration of Independence...
One of the sentiments of Revolution infused within our Nations Founding - "For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent:"
Flat Taxation Basic Calculations:
Gross Domestic Product is the total market value of all final goods and services that are produced in the U.S. economy in one year.
Final goods and services - We only count final products ready to be consumed, NOT products used to make other products.
So a car will be counted in the GDP but the steel used to make the car is not counted separately.
Why? Because the value of the car already reflects the value of the steel, rubber, plastic,etc. that goes into it.
Also, the U.S. GDP counts only those goods and services produced in the physical borders of the United States
The U.S. gross domestic product 2013 total - no deductions - BEA - U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis - $16,803.0 billion
The entire federal income in 2013 was $2,712,000,000,000.00.
$16,803,000,000,000.00 2013 Gross Domestic Product - no deductions - BEA
$1,035,000,000,000.00 deducting for personal poverty level of $30,000.00
= $15,768,000,000,000
$2,712,000,000,000.00 would represent 17.19% of $15,768,000,000,000.00
So, that would equate to a 17.19% income tax for all companies and for all people, excluding
approx 15% of the 230 million eligible voters having a personal income below $30,000.00 annually.
That's just a very, very rough start, though, because there are items missing from GDP, including numbers from the underground economy, and leisure.
There are also other items that need to be clarified...
and unlike the calculation intent within the GDP to not double count, only counting final goods and services...
Income taxes don't only occur at the "final goods" stage.
When a hamburger is sold, income taxes would be applied to the entity selling the entire hamburger...on it's entire sales price...
When the meat, bun, ketchup and pickles are sold to the maker of the hamburgers, the entities supplying those items would pay
income taxes on the entire sales price of those items...
When the wheat was sold to the entity making the bun, the entity selling the wheat would pay income taxes on the entire sales price of the wheat...
With those indications, a federal flat rate income tax, applied to both businesses and individuals to achieve the currently required yearly revenue, would certainly appear to be less than 17%...possibly as low as 8%...
That's certainly worth taking a very serious look in to, isn't it?.
Fair enough?
What about Estate Taxes?
The IRS actually states on it's website that "The Estate Tax is a tax on your right to transfer property at your death"
Excuse me?
When a human being works and builds their personal estate, paying taxes on their income all along that road of life...when that human being reaches the end of that journey, and has provided within their last will and testament to leave the remnants of their estate to whom they so desire, what kind of an acting government body, what kind of moral character would believe that it is entitled to take a share from that estate?...to reap harvest upon the death of that member of it's society?...to tax their right to transfer property at their death?... What is that? Our current "representatives of redistribution's" last chance For imposing Taxes on us without our Consent?
Certainly that's not representative of the moral character, values and reasoning that founded America, is it?.
Internet Sales Tax: Stop trying to boggle the workings of e-commerce. Worry about taxing on the income side of the spectrum...where taxes should be collected, anyway, not on turning every small internet seller into representatives for state taxing authorities.
Local Property Taxes - Education segment:
There should be a point where people who have paid school taxes for their lives within their long term home ownership, being part of and contributing to their community and helping build such, that upon reaching a determined minimum retirement age, they should no longer be held responsible for paying the school tax segment or portion of local property taxes on their primary personal residence during their retirement years, should they continue living within their primary personal residence, while living within fixed or limited income. Not transferable.
The long term goal should be to remove Education portion of Real Estate / Property taxes and to place this taxation for education where it belongs, within income / gross income / revenue.
Property taxes should only provide for directly critical required services regarding the real estate purposes and inhabitants, town officials if not volunteer, developing and applying regulations, building codes, services including police, fire, ems, town road crews, etc., refuse could be private or town, public sewer and water would be included if utilized by the real estate, within reasonably representative property valuation and burden allocation. (preliminary only)