Memorial Day vs New World Order
Memorial Day 2014...
Thoughts about The New World Order and other Conspiracies trying to Undermine America:
I live within a small rural town...this year Memorial Day 2014
The weather was decent, but sadly it was a lighter turnout than seemingly normal for the annual Memorial Day Parade and Memorial Ceremonial Services.
I pride myself on attending every year...I look forward to take those few moments to join other members in the community to offer our respect and admiration for the ones who fought and risked their lives to maintain our freedom, our liberty, our rights, our lives...
and have established and protected this for millions overseas worldwide...
May God Bless them all...
Every year Memorial Day and these ceremonies allow me to recollect my thoughts regarding World War II...and the gallant heroes who saved the world from the axis of evil.
My Grandfather's best friend Sabi...he had recalled when he was in Poland and had tragically witnessed the evil Nazi's mow down 100's of men with gunfire... and bury them with bulldozers while many were still alive and the ground was writhing and moving...
No...I didn't see this first hand...but had heard this from first hand accounts of my Grandfather's confidant...and those memories burned a place in my soul...
I visited the holocaust museum in Washington a number of years ago...and you can't walk out of there without feeling the tragic weight of what true evil had done...and what it is capable of...
The room of vast shoes and a multi-generational photographic remembrance of that towns evaporation...the births...the marriages...the happiness..the smiles...the lives....then the atrocity of Hitler's Nazi's, and of the supporters to Hitler's regime.
Please keep in mind this happened within a lifetime ago...not 1000 years ago...not 500, not even 200...but within less than one lifetime ago...yes there are those alive who have seen the atrocities of that evil reich first hand....and there are just over one million of our Country's bravest, who fought or helped during world war II...with everything they had, who are still alive today...God Bless Them...
God Bless every Man, Woman and Child who helped fight against that greatest scourge against humanity...and through their efforts...they truly saved the world, and the lives of countless millions worldwide.
In America we celebrate Memorial Day...honoring our fallen American Heroes...and how many American heroes helped fight against that scourge...Countless Americans rationing and collecting materials and preserving energy...building vast equipments and weapons to outfit our troops and others...and sending our troops into battle with an evil greater than any other known to mankind...
Many Great American Heroes are buried overseas...on foreign lands...for risking their lives and heroically offering their ultimate support... helping drive this scourge from others lands, protecting countless others and to win defeat over this evil tyranny, oppression and genocide.
God Bless them All.
The essentially free societies around the world standing...the millions of lives protected from atrocities...the lifestyles that pay homage to freedom and life are the testament... the ultimate monument to their efforts...and knowing many millions of people world wide were or are still able to live freely, and not under an evil's ruthless tyranny, oppression or genocide.
Yes I am a citizen of America...a nation with a vast history for helping, establishing and protecting human rights...fighting tyranny and oppression, the establishment of the first true representative government... the Abolition of Slavery through our Country's Civil war, early Woman's Suffrage, World War 1, World War II, the Cold War, the Vietnam War, Grenada, the Gulf War, the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan...
Millions of Americans have perished fighting to try to establish and uphold freedom and liberty...fighting to uphold civil and human rights...and helping save millions from tyranny worldwide.
America was founded by humans believing in the rectitude of their intentions...within the support of divine establish a true representative government... maintaining unalienable rights endowed by their Creator...including life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness and a society built on such values, character and aspirations.
We must, as a society and a people...fight with everything we have, til they pry our cold dead hands from our weapons, our pencils or our voting ballots, to preserve this great country and it's incredibly special purpose it has proved to be within humanity....and to never forget how vital it is to maintain the capabilities to protect our society's destiny within our own fundamental character and efforts including vast intelligence and industrial technological capacities.
If we don't ever allow our society to forget that, we won't have to worry about being consumed within a wholly collective "New World Order"...or being sucked into an agrarian reformers fraud, will we?
A few more thoughts about a "New World Order"...
The term "new world order" is being thrown around everywhere these days, within fair terms and within conspiracy theories or worries... Anyone who honestly believes in a "new world order" affording the ultimate within cooperation and enbetterment of the world's citizens...anything beyond similarly oriented countries collectively helping to further each individual nations security and collectively, though independently helping to maintain or ensure world at best naive...extremely dangerously naive, tragically...
and anyone who is actually willing to even think about attempting to throw away the independent sovereignty of the United States of America...forgetting all those who have fought to achieve that... has achieved a sorry state of mental awareness and they should be considered as adversaries and traitors to our Country, to our Country's Founding...and to divine providence and Nature's God
Sit down and really think about what this country...Our Country...has done for humanity...or helped...what it has done for other Countries and many millions of people around the globe... Yes...within achieving Freedom and Liberty...and establishing that and protecting that for countless millions... Where do you think the world would be had Hitler won? How bout' France?...or Russia?...or Poland?...or Italy?...or England?....What do you really think life would be like worldwide?... or if we didn't have nuclear warheads within our arsenal when we needed them for strength and support?...or if we don't continue to develop our capacities?
Throughout our worlds has been continually changing...governments and factions...philosophies change and flow...they're fluid...people learn and then they tragically forget... societal building...moral decay...the rise and fall of the roman's cycles...tyrants raging oppression...genocide... You can not give away the rights fought for and achieved by our Country's founders...nor fought for by our country's do so is to spit on their legacy and on your and your posterity's futures. The right and opportunity to control your own destiny, as best a representative government can...within your own morality...your own conscience...within your support of your own, your friends and neighbors, your families freedom, liberty and independence.
You really want to believe in the potential of a "new world order"?...Could anybody?...Are you really willing to put all of your rights within other peoples and nations collective hands?. Do you remember Tianamin square? about Auschwitz?....or Siberia? about Somalia?...or Serbia - Bosnia - Croatia? about 9-11 - what about the you see what they did to Afghanistan in the last 30 years... What happened to Anwar Sadat or our Ambassador in Benghazi? you admire the Agrarian Reformer's legacy (communist liar) within Fidel Castro...Stalin...Lenin.... Bolsheviks...Mao-Tse-Tung?...How bout' the Ayatollah Khomeini?... Did Mr. Hugo Chavez's oppressions float your boat?...Do you not believe in freedom of the press?...or Do you want to be limited on the size of your family?...and told where you can live?...what to drive...or what to eat?
"New world order"...
The day we as a nation and a society get conned into forgetting that America and it's system of government is honestly better, or in to believing that it is the day that our future will be dead, our freedom and liberty will have vanished...our special, incredible chance and great purpose within the world will be eradicated... This society built with peoples of all nations, races and creeds, maintaining representative government for, of and by the people...we will have lost what Abraham Lincoln believed within his Gettysburg address...
"It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us - that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion - that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain - that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom - and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth."
And if we ever honestly cease making sure that never, ever, ever happens, if we ever give in to apathy, if we ever let this great experiment and our capacity slip away, without trying and fighting with every possible ounce of energy in our souls to save it...we should all rot in hell for our eternities...certainly those who keep wearing on her existence will.
Americans are born of freedom and liberty...of a society of, by and for it's's of whom we're made of...whom and where we're from...what we fought against or escaped...there's no kings or queens, no rulers, no dictators, no social class restrictions and we have protection of our religious freedoms...
In America we are and should always be inbred with the ideals of self government...freedom and liberty...independence...and the day we forget that...and that other countries and societies clearly are not inbred with those same ideals, and the day we give our founders and predecessors hard fought for rights away, that's the day that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall tragically and disgracefully perish from the earth.
"New World Order"?...Anything beyond collectively working with similar nations to attempt to enhance all of our nations independent security and to collectively, though independently, help to maintain worldwide a naive fairy tale and a tragic con job, a sin and a lie.
We should always hold respect and offer help to every government or nation on planet earth that wants to achieve freedom, liberty and independence for it's secure their safety...or for others....and to hold them in the highest regards...
Especially to those who have given their support and helped us collectively defeat evil tyranny in the past...and hopefully will offer their assistance in the future when and if ever deemed necessary...
But we must never compromise our heart and our soul as a nation...or society...or of our engrained beliefs...our core outside interests of others that have no direct interest for the support of our lives...nor for our system of government...of, by and for the people...nor have direct interest within our Country's future posterity... including the United Nations or of any other withered, shallow or potentially detrimental worldwide organizations.
We must maintain the inherent capacity to protect our interests and security and must not be forced to answer to a collective group outside of America.
Never Compromise Your Heart and Soul.
A little regarding Masons and Freemasonry...
Although I am not, My father was a Mason...he didn't have time to maintain involvement with the organization, but he always expressed to me the belief that a Mason always held themselves to the utmost level of aspirations for humanity... He always told me they believed in honesty and trust in business camaraderie and helping others...they were supportive to the members of all races and religions... and if there was ever a human being who believed in America and valued and respected Freedom and Liberty...and respected America and it's efforts during World War II...and America's efforts to positively effect and protect human's freedom and was certainly my Father.
The past few years relentless conspiracy theories are chewing at the core of their seems countless people are trying to discredit the Masons... to destroy any worth of the organization, as well as trying to destroy any organization that believes in God or the sanctity of human life.
Conspiracy theories...Misrepresenting Facts...They're hard at it...including many in Hollywood and the Music industry... on the Internet daily...
I'll dig and I'll write more...Please do the same...and Communicate it
There's countless people today...including many unconscionable politicians and political organizations, businesses and individuals whom are doing everything they can to destroy our standard of living, to destroy our Country's morality and destroy our Country's capacity and it's continue to rob our posterity of it's future... and it's beyond time "for every good man and woman to pull their heads out of the sand and come to the aid of their country"...
Many are....
(preliminary only)