The Economic Catastrophe
Our National Debt:
The Obama administration has continued to increase our National Economic Debt,
to record levels of over $19 TRILLION Dollars - See Below
The United States Federal Tax Revenue for 2013, was $2,712,000,000,000.
For 2014, it is expected to be $3,033,600,000,000
What does that mean?. It means that it will take over 5 years of the entire income of the U.S. government to remove that debt. Not including paying for normal ongoing operational expenses.
That is the equivalent of an indidual owing 5 to 6 years worth of their entire salary or family income, on their credit card, and still having to pay the monthly mortgage and food bills...
As that homeowner what would you do?
Instantly, the Government should stop adding further to that debt. Cut back on all non-critical expenses. No more deficit spending. No raising the debt ceiling. A balanced yearly budget to start.
But on February 11, 2014...The U.S. House of "Representatives" voted 221 to 201, with all but 2 of the Democrats voting Yes, alongside 28 Republicans, including John Boehner, current Speaker of the House,
having voted to raise the Government's borrowing limit, without any conditions.
(preliminary only)
Basic Economic Policies:
During the Chrysler commercial that was aired during the 2012 super bowl halftime,
Spokesperson Clint Eastwood narrated the commercial's poignant, dramatic, compelling lines:
"It's halftime - Both teams are in their locker room discussing what they can do to win this game in the second half."
"It's halftime in America, too. People are out of work and they're hurting. And they're all wondering what they're going to do to make a comeback. And we're all scared, because this isn't a game."
"The people of Detroit know a little something about this. They almost lost everything. But we all pulled together, now Motor City is fighting again."
"I've seen a lot of tough eras, a lot of downturns in my life - times when we didn't understand each other. seems that we've lost our heart at times. When the fog of division, discord, and blame made it hard to see what lies ahead."
"But after those trials, we all rallied around what was right, and acted as one. cause that's what we do. We find a way through tough times, and if we can't find a way then we'll make one."
"All that matters now is what's ahead. How do we come from behind? How do we come together? And, how do we win?"
"Detroit's showing us it can be done. And, what's true about them is true about all of us."
"This country can't be knocked out with one punch - We get right back up again - and when we do the worlds going to hear the roar of our engines."
"Yeah - it's halftime America - and our second half is about to begin"
It caused me to pay attention, and I'm sure of many people, but sadly thereafter I became aware - shocked is a better word - both by my lack of it's awareness and by it's happening - that the once mighty Chrysler corporation, an American icon, a legend, a major component within the building of the Arsenal of Democracy that helped save the world during World War II from the most inconceivable tyranical oppression, genocide and murder.
That this corporation, The Chrysler corporation, the corporation that had manufactured my first car, the corporation that innovated the hemi engine, torsion bar suppension and electronic ignition, was now fully controlled by Italy's Fiat corporation, the corporation that made those cute little sports cars, that company's name that once manufactured the guns and planes in support of Bennito Mussolini and his cronies that helped back Hitler's war machine.
What had our government done and how had they allowed this disgrace to happen - especially when Billions of American taxpayer dollars were involved?.
That Chrysler corporation was originally bailed out with loan guarantees by the U.S. Government when Lee Iacocca championed the cause to help save the icon, and back then while America pitched in.
Shortly after the Chrysler "K" cars and other products rolled out that helped save the company. Not long after Chrysler absorbed AMC and within attained it's Jeep brand. Chrysler was back. For real.
But then something went what was originally proposed as a joint venture with Daimler, which was questionable anyway at best, and things flipped and in 1998 Daimler managed to take control of Chrysler.
Daimler held it until 2007 when it sold 80% of it's interest to an American Investment Group Cerburus.
Somewhere between then and 2009, fiat acquired an interest.
Now in July of 2011 - before that halftime commercial - Fiat purchased the balance of what it needed to have controlling interest in Chrysler...and they purchased those shares from the American government under the Barack Obama administration.
I have read as the Democrats proudly proclaimed this as such a great our government under the Obama administration had now helped market the shares of the stock it had acquired during the American bailout of Chrysler, to Fiat, and how proud they were that they had now secured this deal...
I then read how certain Republican's bantered and chirped in about how terrible it was that Chrysler was probably using money somehow involved with the Bailout in producing the Clint Eastwood commercial that had proudly proclaimed Chryslers tenacity...
But that commercial mentioned not a word of Fiat...did it...and the Republican's just couldn't find any wrong in selling the company to Fiat...just in the possible use of 10 million dollars making that commercial.
Somehow, neither the Democrats nor Republicans could find the wrong in selling that company to up the controlling interest of Chrysler to Fiat... Using American taxpayer dollars to help save a corporation, a U.S. Icon, a corporation involved within our proudest Military history, and then selling that corporations controlling interest to a foreign concern...and the fact that this can and has happened in our Country today, that this was allowed, or promoted or cheered by any members of either or both parties of our Government...
it was accomplished by the actions of the Obama administration, and haunted us within the marketing's deception and betrayal...
Did anybody in Our Government think of an employee owned / employee stock ownership plan for Chrysler's employees...Maybe helping the long term potential of Americans?. You know, the American taxpayers who paid for that bailout?.
From the recent bailouts insurance companies(AIG) and the banking industry who helped cause much of the current economic tragedy in America...the lack of morality of the stock market and within much of today's corporate makeup running our industries...companies like G.E., paying no U.S. income taxes, while moving much of it's manufacturing overseas...having total disregard for it's employees and America, exhibiting only one concern, maximizing shareholder profits, while providing further for the destruction of our capacity and the hampering of possibility and hope for our youth... G.E. recently announced it was moving it's headquarters for it's nuclear medicine X-Ray - MRI division to China, and then "Obama names GE chief Jeffrey Immelt to head his economic recovery advisory panel"
Clint Eastwood realized something was going wrong with Obama's workings, and Mr. Eastwood decided to support Mitt Romney for President.
While speaking to that infamous chair, he became a little hesitant for a moment, and he said this near the end of his speech:
"I would just like to say something, ladies and gentlemen. Something that I think is very important. It is that, you, we -- we own this country.
We -- we own it. It is not you owning it, and not politicians owning it. Politicians are employees of ours. And -- so -- they are just going to come around and beg for votes every few years.
It is the same old deal. But I just think it is important that you realize, that you're the best in the world. Whether you are a Democrat or Republican or whether you're libertarian or whatever, you are the best. And we should not ever forget that. And when somebody does not do the job, we got to let them go."
That was great...prolific...and right on target...extremely poignantly.
Our Representatives should be helping us rebuild America. Not giving away Our Country's assets...nor helping the insurance industry crooks and banking mega millionaires rebuild their lairs.
Future Economic Stimulus:
There is nothing unjust with Our Country or Government, federal or local, trying to help preserve it's greatest industrial or business assets, nor of preserving or increasing the employment offered to American Citizens by these concerns. nor of helping beckoning small businesses, or emerging possible giants... When businesses survive and grow in America, so does it and it's citizens.
Help can be technology transfer, or business advancement loan gaurantees, help with investing in long term energy solutions, exporting assistance, etc. just to name a few.
Tariffs, inherently a form of restraint of free trade, should only be utilized in the most severely imbalanced trading situations.
All economic stimulus should be to companies that do the predominance of their manufacture in the United States of America, and subsequently hiring and offering jobs and employment to American Citizens. The SBA, NASA technology utilization, various financial or technical assistance, investment structuring assistance, etc., should all be applied only to companies actively trying to advance their operations within America. Period.