Trump's Slimefest
Donald Trump...He's so NOT right for America...It's a Sin...
Trumps past...Roy M. Cohn...Roger Stone.... Bill and Hillary Clinton...Michael Bloomberg....Rahm Emanuel....George Soros....Mario Cuomo...
NYC's Left of the Left...The most "progressive" liberal democrats in America...that was Donald Trump's campaign Contribution list...for real...
A Trump George Soros Connection?...uh huh...
Trump had hired Roger Stone as his Campaign Manager - Now Trump just Hired Paul Manafort to wrestle delegates....Paul Manafort & Roger Stone
both were partners in Black, Manafort, Stone and Kelly, a Lobbying firm in D.C., One of the firm's partners, Charlie Black is now working for Kasich in the
same capacity as Paul Manafort is functioning with working for Donald Trump. More Political Slime and their dirty Tricks. It's Sinful.
The National Enquirer and Radar Online - both owned by AMI - have posted Smear campaigns aimed at Ted Cruz. AMI's board of directors includes David Pecker
We've all heard that Trump Loves Pecker....but not only is Pecker Donald's Close Friend...but AMI board member David Hughes worked for Donald Trump in AC for
a number of years at Trump's Taj Majal...and various NJ and U.S. gambling concerns. What could be even more disconcerting is that the 2 other AMI Board Members
Evan Ratner & Barry Schwartz are involved with Chatham asset Management... Having clear ties to Chris Christie's NJ pension Investments...
It just keeps getting better and better :(
None of this post here is's just Reality...the real Donald Trump...what Donald Trump has done in his life...Don't Blame Me....and if you're considering voting for him...or supporting him should stop and take a real good self inventory...cause there's something rotten in Trumpvilla
Why is the Left Wing Liberal press so enamored with Giving Trump Billions of Dollars in Free Publicity?....Far more than any other Candidate...and Why have Certain Purported "Conservative" Republican talk show hosts seemingly become Smitten and Fallen so hard for Donald Trump - Obviously biased in their News Presentation and Questions in their Reports...even though Trump defies basic Conservative Values and Morality?....
Ratings...Cash...Hillary....and they really aren't Conservatve, are they?. Everybody knows Trump is NO Conservative
Donald Trump has kept himself poised to deal a Great Big Win for Hillary Clinton and the Democrats...and a Great Big Blow to our Freedom and Liberty, and the future of the United States of America as we know for that, the Liberal press loves him.
Trump Claims to be a "Political Outsider"....Really?...This isn't so laughable as outright despicable. He's about as much of an Outsider as Bill & Hillary Clinton are...He's embroiled himself and been wrapped up within the worst of the worst of two bit politicians...and their thievery...Trump has publicly spoken about how he gives money to politicians and officials and expects his favor to be returned...Trump buys people....and brags about it...
There is NO WAY we can let Trump get in the White House...or can we Let Trump Help Hillary to get in the White House!....
Don't Vote for Trump....PLEASE...For God's sake!....For America!....Really....He's nothing more than a simple, awful, lying Fraud...
Be Patient - There's Much Information Loading on the Page...
Lots of Worrisome Information Regarding Donald Trump - Dig In! and please help Spread the Information!
Trump crucifying Carson
CNN news report from Iowa Caucus
Trump a few days later
Carson on Bill O'Reilly's O'Reilly Factor
Board of Directors National Enquirer's owner...AMI
Trump in his own words -
original of above on nbc...takes time to load
institute for justice eminent domain
Trumps Atlantic City failures
Recent Hollywood Reporter Donald Trump interview
Trumps War on Women
Trump University Fraud Exposed
Trump Questions
You've Been Trumped - Must Watch Video
John Oliver - Make Drumpf Trump Again - Tragically Hysterical and Poignant
"Conservative Republican" Donald Trumps Pro Transgender - "Bathrooms of Their Choice Statement" - Really?...AYFKM?...For God's Sake Wake Up America!
A Glimpse of Donald Trump's Life & Associates
Rod Stewart sings "Every Picture Tells a Story, don't it?"....
One Look is Worth A Thousand Words....or Chinese Proverb "One Picture Worth Ten Thousand Words"....or One picture is worth a Thousand Words...
Whatever way you want to say it...No matter how many times it's been said...Pictures Sure Are Great....Aren't they!
Help Save America....Please DON'T Vote for Donald Trump....God NO...For God's sake...For America's sake...Please Don't!
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